A recent blog post discussed how I represent the Italian Wars units using the Pike and Shotte rules. The post also covered how many figures I use for each unit and which type of figures I use. The article then discussed how I represent units in Pike and Shotte using stats and special rules.
In this post, I will provide data sheets that I made for the recent Garigliano game using Pike and Shotte. These data sheets do not include all of the units that I will ever want to use for Italian Wars games, but just the units used in that game. Given the wide variety of units used, it should be easy to expand the list to include additional units. I will need to include mounted shot units in the future for example.
The data sheets
One data sheet was made for Cavalry, one for Pike and Sword and one for Shot. Each data sheet included units from every nation so that players could see how their units compared to those of other players. I also included a summary of the special rules at the bottom of each sheet. Cavalry, Pike and Shot were all put on separate data sheets as I wanted to make them easy to read from a distance.
I then printed out a copy of the data sheets for each player and laminated them so that they didn’t get damaged during the game and can be reused. Below are copies of my data sheets that you are free to use.

The data sheets were made on my iMac using Keynote. They could be easily made in Powerpoint or some other program. I used the background to give that old renaissance type feel rather than just use a plain white paper background. The data sheets looked better on the table with the old look.