In this blog post I will discuss some of the simple changes that I make to the Pike and Shotte hedgehog rule to make it more relevant to the Italian Wars.

Images of pike blocks
Many images of Italian Wars pike blocks show large pike blocks with either crossbows or arquebusiers along the flanks of the pike block or at the front of the pike block. As in the picture below of Pavia, from the Royal Armouries Collection, the pike blocks in these images are often moving.

Pike and Shotte hedgehog rule
My main issue with the way Pike and Shotte handles shot units in a “hedgehog” with pike blocks is that the resulting hedgehog is considered immobile. This lack of movement even extends to when a pike block looses a battle and would otherwise be pushed back in a break test. The way that the rules handle the hedgehog may be more appropriate to later periods that are covered by the rules, but they do not cover my understanding of the Italian Wars. I have therefore implemented a few minor changes to the hedgehog rules for our club Italian Wars games, these are:
- Pike blocks in a hedgehog can move like normal pike blocks.
- Pike blocks in a hedgehog can retire when losing a break test.
- Up to two small shot units can withdraw into a pike block.
- Up to one standard shot unit can withdraw into a pike block.
- When in a hedgehog a pike block still has flanks and a rear, just like a normal pike block.
- When in a hedgehog a pike block can still be supported, just like a normal pike block.
- A pike block in a hedgehog receives a +2 combat result bonus versus cavalry, just like a normal pike block. [The +3 modifier is eliminated].
All of the other hedgehog rules are the same including how casualties from shot or melee are allocated amongst the various units in the hedgehog.
In short, most of the changes that I have made mean that the hedgehog unit is treated the same as a standard pike block. Movement is the same, it performs the same against cavalry and can be supported in battle the same.

To represent a unit in a hedgehog with a pike block, I just move the base of the unit in contact with the pike block. Normally the shot unit is just moved to the rear of the pike block like in the photo above, but it could be moved to the side depending upon the situation.
The other rule affecting all pike blocks that I change is the one for Cavalry Charges Against Pike. The rule penalizes the Cavalry and doubles the combat dice for the pike unless the pike block is already engaged in combat or is disordered. I also add “shaken” to list.