This post is just to show three buildings that I recently made for my Italian War Scenery. They were made using dental stone molded in Hirst Arts molds. I will do another post showing how I constructed the buildings. The building are a Castello (based Castel Pietraio near Sienna, where I spent a few days on holiday), an outer building and a bell tower. I am currently building the bells to insert in the tower and will move on to the church later this year.
The first photo shows the three buildings with some landschnekts (Foundry), a Papal pike block (TAG) and some Papal Knights (Steel Fist)
Overall the buildings are quite large compared to those that most people use for 28mm figures, but I really wanted to make something quite impressive to go with the Italian Wars figures. These are the first three buildings that I have ever built, and overall, I am quite pleased with how they turned out.

This next photo shows a more ground level view. I like how the lions head on the castello wall turned out. It started life as a lions head fantasy shield that I purchased on the internet.

The next two photos show more of the bell tower.

The final photo shows the bells that I am constructing to go inside the bell tower. They are made from a stained balsa support and counter weight, wheels and brackets from an old napoleonic canon I had spare, and rope and bells from a model ship building supplier. I hope to be able to finish and insert the bells into the tower next week.

Here is a picture of Castel Pietraio near Siena, on which this model was loosely based.