The amount of work needed to get the Pavia project finished in time for Historicon in July 2025 is huge. I still have a vast number of figures to paint, buildings to build and trees to make. In my next post I will do a review of the buildings, which ones I have finished and which ones I am still working on. I always wanted to spend some time creating command bases for Pavia featuring the actual commanders at the battle. However, I was coming to the realization that the time for researching each commander and creating the base would not be possible in the short time that I have.
That is when I came across Sijie Hao on the Italian Wars Wargaming Facebook page. He is both a superb artist and someone who meticulously researches the Italian Wars. I was immediately drawn to the quality of his work. Luckily he agreed to do some commission work for me on Command Bases for Pavia. I have never had commission work done for me before as I prefer to paint my own figures. However, his work will truly put my Pavia project over the top.
I initially gave him six command bases to do just to see if everything went smoothly. It did and I have now agreed to purchase an additional ten command bases from him. The first order consisted of:
- Francis I King of France plus three of his Royal Retinue.
- Palice and his standard bearer.
- La Tremoille and his standard bearer.
- The Marquis del Vasto and his standard bearer.
- Charles de Lannoy and his standard bearer.
- Charles, Duke of Bourbon and his standard bearer.
Photos of Command bases for Pavia

Now that I have received these figures, my second order includes:
- Charles Tiercelin, Lord of Roche du Maine
- Francois of Lorraine and the Duke of Suffolk – Richard de la Poole
- Anne de Montmorency
- Florange (Robert de la Marck, Seigneur of Fleuranges
- Bonnivet
- Duke D’Alencon
- Georg von Frundsburg
- Marx Stitch von Ems
- Ferrante Castriota Marquis de Sant’Angelo
- Marquis de Pescara
After these ten bases arrive I will only have three more command bases for Pavia that I need. These will be Antonio de Leyva, Captain Hernando de Alarcón and Gallot de Genouille. I may make some of these myself or depending on time I may make another commission order.
Wonderful work – I have watched these being posted on FB with muich admiration