My Cold Wars 2023 modern Afghanistan project is on a tight schedule. I have a play test in two weeks time and then there is only another two and a half weeks until the convention. the rule set will be Force on Force. This post is just a very short update of some of the things I have been up to for the project.
After the play-test on the 18th February, I will post some pictures of the completed layout.
I still have many things to complete, the most demanding will be painting another 30 Afghan civilians that I am expecting to arrive from Empress Miniatures in the next few days.
As they did not arrive before last weekend, I found that I was short of things to do. So I pulled out two M777 Howitzer kits that have been sitting in my To Do pile. These are from Table Top Tactical Simulations. Although they will not be used in the game, they can provide a scenic piece inside the Forward Operating Base. Over the weekend I managed to assemble, paint, weather and base these huge howitzers.

The lighting for the photo is not great, but the colors do look good in real life. As they are only for scenic effect, I do not need to paint the crew for Cold Wars. The town in the game would be much too close for these guns to be used. Also the game will be full of civilians which would make artillery use impractical.
I also constructed some very nice British vehicles from White Dragon Miniatures. These are two Foxhounds and two Mastiffs. Again these will not be used in the fighting but will be add to the scenery of the FOB.

In addition to the civilians, I have a range of scenery to complete. The items include, blue rain barrels, road signs, explosion markers, and a petrol pump. I also have a large Chinook Helicopter that I hope will arrive to carry some SAS troops. If all goes well everything should arrive soon and should be painted for Cold Wars 2023 in March.