In this blog post I will discuss some of the simple changes that I make to the Pike and Shotte hedgehog rule to make it more relevant to the Italian Wars.
Cross bows on the flank of a pike block
Images of pike blocks
Many images of Italian Wars pike blocks show large pike blocks with either crossbows or arquebusiers along the flanks of the pike block or at the front of the pike block. As in the picture below of Pavia, from the Royal Armouries Collection, the pike blocks in these images are often moving.
Battle of Pavia from the Royal Armouries Collection
Pike and Shotte hedgehog rule
My main issue with the way Pike and Shotte handles shot units in a “hedgehog” with pike blocks is that the resulting hedgehog is considered immobile. This lack of movement even extends to when a pike block looses a battle and would otherwise be pushed back in a break test. The way that the rules handle the hedgehog may be more appropriate to later periods that are covered by the rules, but they do not cover my understanding of the Italian Wars. I have therefore implemented a few minor changes to the hedgehog rules for our club Italian Wars games, these are:
Pike blocks in a hedgehog can move like normal pike blocks.
Pike blocks in a hedgehog can retire when losing a break test.
Up to two small shot units can withdraw into a pike block.
Up to one standard shot unit can withdraw into a pike block.
When in a hedgehog a pike block still has flanks and a rear, just like a normal pike block.
When in a hedgehog a pike block can still be supported, just like a normal pike block.
A pike block in a hedgehog receives a +2 combat result bonus versus cavalry, just like a normal pike block. [The +3 modifier is eliminated].
All of the other hedgehog rules are the same including how casualties from shot or melee are allocated amongst the various units in the hedgehog.
In short, most of the changes that I have made mean that the hedgehog unit is treated the same as a standard pike block. Movement is the same, it performs the same against cavalry and can be supported in battle the same.
Arqubusier unit in a hedgehog with a Spanish Pike block.
To represent a unit in a hedgehog with a pike block, I just move the base of the unit in contact with the pike block. Normally the shot unit is just moved to the rear of the pike block like in the photo above, but it could be moved to the side depending upon the situation.
The other rule affecting all pike blocks that I change is the one for Cavalry Charges Against Pike. The rule penalizes the Cavalry and doubles the combat dice for the pike unless the pike block is already engaged in combat or is disordered. I also add “shaken” to list.
This Saturday we rolled out the battle of Garigliano 1503 at ourlocal club’sgame day. We incorporated a lot of the game improvements that we identified during our initial play-test.
Garigliano 1503 – Deployment of the three Swiss pike blocks on the French left flank.
One of the main changes from the initial Garigliano 1503 game was to swap the positions of the Spanish and the Papal troops. The Papal troops moved to the left, allowing their knights to engage the French Gendarmes. This left the Spanish on the right, giving the Jinetes the flank and allowing the firepower of the Colunelas to be brought against the Swiss. The Spanish were also given two extra Colunelas to give them a chance against the Swiss.
The Spanish initial deployments.
Another change was to add an Italian sword unit and a couple of small Landschnekt shot units to the Spanish forces near the bridge. This was to give them a chance of capturing the bridge.
The final change in the deployments was not to have all four units of French Gendarmes and the four units of French Archers to start on the table, as in the test game, they quickly swept aside everything in front of them. In this game we had one unit of Gendarmes and one unit of Archers enter on turn one from the road to Trajetto. A further unit of Gendarmes and Archers entered from the road on Turns 2, 3 and 4. The Gendarmes and Archers can be seen on the table edge waiting to be deployed in the photo below.
The Spanish deployments near the bridge. The French cavalry can be seen on the table edge waiting to com on.
The extra Spanish units near the bridge, along with putting one of the club’s aggressive attacking players in charge of these units, paid dividends. The attack on the bridge was launched in Turn 1. This contrasted with the play test, where the units near the bridge just sat behind their defenses.
The Spanish attack on the bridge started early. The Spanish commanders also survey the scene near Castleforte.
The initial unit of French Gendarmes and Archers rode out to meet the rapidly advancing Papal Knights. With the delayed deployment of the French horse, the Papal units would have the initial numerical advantage. Due to some terrible die rolling a unit of French Gendarmes was quickly routed (double 1s on a break test). This Cavalry battle would go back and forth throughout the game with fresh troops feeding the fight.
View from the French side. The Papal Knights moved quickly to engage the French Gendarmes
On the French left, things were slow to develop. The Spanish Jinetes advance quickly and started to throw spears into the Swiss Pike block who took up defensive positions.
The Spanish Jinetes moved to attach the Swiss Pikes
The Spanish Colunelas slowly advanced to engage the Swiss pike, but were a little too cautious.
The advance of the Spanish Colunelas at Castleforte.
Over near the bridge, the Landschnekts had finally advanced through the mud between the Spanish and French field defense (this mud limited them to a maximum move of one move per turn no matter what the command roll). The Landschnekts then managed to cross the defenses and engage the French defenders. Sensing the crisis at the bridge, the French commander diverted his household Gendarmes (Probably the best unit on the table) to support the bridgehead. This meant that the household Gendarmes could not support the attack against the Papal Knights, but things seemed to be going well for the rest of the French Gendarmerie even without the Household Gendarmes.
The French Household Gendarmes move to back up a desperate situation at the bridge.
The French Gendarmes forced the remaining Papal Knights to retreat in good order to prevent the French forces coming around behind the Spanish.
The French Cavalry push back the Papal Knights but the Papal forces still retain good order.
The fighting between the Swiss and the Spanish was becoming bogged down. The arquebusiers were crowding the area preventing the Colunelas from charging the Swiss.
Heavy fighting between the Swiss and Spanish between Castleforte and Sujo
The French Black Band Landschnekts advance between Castleforte and the River Garigliano to support the Gendarmes. One of the Papal pike blocks charged in to fill the gap and met the Landschnekts. They just lost the resulting combat, but then unfortunately rolled low on their break test and routed off the table.
The Black Band follow up the gains made by the French Cavalry against the Papal forces.
At the bridge the French Household Gendarmes turned the tide of the battle. They attacked one of the Landschnekt pike blocks along with the remaining French Pike block. The second Landschnekt pike block charged in, causing casualties to the French. Unfortunately they could not save the first Landschnekt pike block. Again due to some bad rolling on the part of the Spanish team, both of the Landschnekt pike blocks decided to leave the field of battle. With this lost, the Spanish dreams of capturing the bridge were over.
The French Gendarmes then charged into the remaining Papal Knights in the hopes of breaking the Spanish line and allowing the Gendarmes and Stradiots to get into the rear of the Spanish Colunelas.
The French Gendarmes re-engage the depleted Papal Knight hoping to push them off the field of battle.
With the risk to their rear and the forward momentum being almost zero, the bulk of the Spanish colunelas, Jinetes and Knights decided that the day could not be won. They then decided to retreat in good order off the table.
Gariglian 1503 – With the push at the bridgehead failing and the Papal forces retreating, the Spanish decided to concede.
The Spanish again had not managed to achieve the historical result of routing the French at the Battle of Garigliano 1503. Although this game was a lot closer than the initial play test.
I would not try and force an historical result by adding more Spanish forces as in the real battle the French did have more troops. Overall, I was happy with the changes that we made as a result of the play test. Changing the deployments and controlling the rate at which the Gendarmes entered was both historically accurate and made the battle more balanced.
I may play the game again later in the year between a couple of friends. If I do, I don’t think I would change anything about the scenario. I think to be more effective, the Spanish colunelas need to be much more aggressive in dealing with the Swiss. They have greater firepower and cavalry support. I think that if they were more aggressive, they could quickly roll up the Swiss; this would leave them in a great position to threaten the French camp and move towards Trajetto.
At the bridge, I think that the Spanish have a very real chance of capturing the bridge. Only some very unlucky die rolling prevented their success. So in conclusion I think that the Spanish have a chance of victory if they are aggressive.
Overall I was very happy with how our replay of the Battle of Garigliano 1503 worked out. We had eight people playing (only 2 that had played Pike and Shotte before). They game moved at a fair pace and was over in about four hours. I would like to thank all of those that joined in; everyone seemed to have a good time.
For now I plan to move onto the 1515 battle of Marignano. I need to paint up another 200 Swiss pike to give me enough for 3 one hundred figure pike blocks. I am hoping to have this painting complete by the end of the year ready for a club game in January. It will be my first time with pike blocks this large.
So once the armies are assembled and the terrain is constructed it is time to get down to gaming. I use the Pike and Shotte rules for my Italian Wars games and there are a few useful items that make the game go easier. In this short blog post I will list the tools that I use.
Unit data sheets.
In a recent blog I posted the unit data sheets that I use for a game. Having a copy of the data sheets for each player, with the special rules on the bottom, really reduces the need for players to thumb through the rule book mid-game. It also helps new players easily see how there units compare to other units on the table. To make these data sheets sturdy, I bought a laminator from an office supply store for about $35 dollars. This was a great investment and all of my data sheets are now laminated and can be used for game after game.
Photo showing a unit data sheet, dice box and measuring stick.
2. Dice box
For my terrain I use terrain mats by killing fields terrain. I think that these terrain mats look great and allow figures to move easily across them. However, they are not great for rolling dice on. In addition, I don’t really like people throwing dice into my freshly painted troops. The solution was to make a dice box for each player. I went down the local craft supply store and found boxes for $5 each. I then spray painted them in either blue or red and then glued a cheap piece of felt in the bottom. These boxes work great. I will probably add a motif or flag to the front of the boxes in the future.
3. Measuring stick
It took me a while to realize, but every distance in Pike and Shotte is a multiple of 3″. This applies to ranges, moving distances and command distances. I therefore bought some balsa sticks and painted them every three inches to make simple measuring sticks. These cheap, light weight measuring sticks work really well and put a stop to the clumsy player dropping an industrial weight tape measure right on top of your newly painted Swiss pike block. If someone drops one of these very light weight measuring sticks it is unlikely to do any damage to figures.
4. Casualty markers
I came across some custom casualty markers from These markers are there 30mm diameter Style 2 bases and cost 67 pence each.
Casualty markers
When I received the pdf markers I painted the top white and the sides bronze. This took me a couple of minutes for each marker. I then bought some clear decal paper off eBay and printed some custom flag decals on my standard desktop printer. Once I had sealed the decals, I put them onto the casualty markers and sprayed them with Testers Dullcote. In an afternoon I had 60-70 markers. Each unit now had a marker with a flag showing the nationality of the unit.
You can hide the markers by painting them green or sticking a casualty figure on them. However, I took a different view. I am trying to have a lot of flags on my units to increase the color and spectacle of the table. These markers are in fitting with that concept and I like the look.
A casualty marker in use.
5. Other markers
Pike and Shotte needs some way of showing if a unit is Shaken, Disordered or Winning (a melee). I again went with They make custom pdf tokens with your wording for 25 pence each.
Tokens with disordered and shaken on a papal pike block
I think that these tokens look both elegant and discrete and don’t detract from the game. At the price they are also a bargain.
These are the items that I use to make the game easy to play while also not distracting from the appearance of the game. All of the items were quick and cheap to make, and some of them even aim to protect the figures.
For now I have played Pike and Shotte with two sized pike blocks. The standard pike block is 24 figures (4 wide and 6 deep). The large pike block is 36 figures (6 wide and 6 deep). In 28mm these give some impressive looking units on the table. The rules very successfully handle the increased effectiveness of these sized units with extra attack dice and stamina for the larger units. The larger units can also recover from disorder by adding a casualty.
At a figure scale of 50:1 these would mean the standard pike blocks represent about 1000 – 1200 men and the large pike blocks represent 1500 – 2000 men.
Two Large Landschnekt pike blocks of 36 figures each.
Historical pike block sizes
So where is the problem? If we look at the Italian wars, there were some exceptionally large pike blocks employed, particularly by the Swiss and Landschnekts. While there is some debate in the literature of the exact number of men at each battle, the following numbers show how large the pike blocks could be:
At Marignano, the Black Band Landschnekts had 6,000 men deployed in two pike blocks giving about 3,000 men per pike block.
Also at Marignano, the Swiss had a minimum of 15,000 men (the sources vary considerably on this number with some saying up to 28,000 men). These men were deployed in three pike blocks giving about 5,000 men per pike block.
At Bicocca, the Swiss had 16,000 men in two pike blocks, giving about 8,000 men per pike block.
At Ravenna, the Landschnekts had 9,500 men in one pike block.
Representing large pike blocks on the table
Now everyone who plays the Italian Wars loves flags, gendarmes and large pike blocks. So how can I resist representing some of these large blocks on the table. I already have three Swiss pike blocks each of 36 figures. These figures are individually mounted on 20mm x 20mm magnetic bases and deployed on movement trays to form a 6 x 6 pike block, so I have plenty of opportunity to rebase on movement trays for different battles.
So naturally I have started to look at playing Marignano as my next battle, which would mean deploying three pike blocks of 5,000 men each; at a scale of 50:1 this would mean pike blocks of 100 figures each. I would therefore need to increase my three 36 figure Swiss pike blocks to three 100 figure pike blocks – so I ordered an extra 200 figures. I also contacted Litko. the company that I purchase my movement trays from; their standard movement trays are not this big, but James from Litko (who is always exceptionally helpful), custom designed the larger movement trays for me.
While I was ordering these movement trays I also ordered others for the different sized pike blocks, using the 50:1 figure ratio throughout:
The 3,000 men blocks are 64 figures in an 8 x 8 block
The 5,000 men blocks are 100 figures in a 10 x 10 block
The 8,000 men blocks are 144 figures in a 12 x 12 block
The 9,500 men blocks are 196 figures in a 14 x 14 block
I have to say that I am looking forward to have three 100 figures Swiss pike blocks on the table at Marignano or a 196 figure Landschnekt pike block at Ravenna.
A 6 x 6 pike block. I plan to deploy a 14 x 14 Landschnekt unit for Ravenna.
Large pike blocks in Pike and Shotte
It is one thing painting a deploying a large pike block, it is another making it function within the Pike and Shotte rules. The two main factors that I need to account for are the Hand to Hand dice and the Stamina.
Hand to Hand dice
I already have large Swiss and Landschnekt pike blocks of 36 figures (6 wide and 6 deep) on my unit tables. These have 9 hand to hand dice and 6 stamina. As all of the super sized pike blocks are Swiss or Landschnekt, I decided to use these figures as a starting point.
I then decided that it was not the total number of men in the pike block that contributed to the hand to hand dice, rather it was the number of men in the front few rows. That means that the fighting value of a pike block is proportional to its width. A six figure wide block has a hand to hand value of 9, or 1.5 per man. Using this ratio, I calculated the hand to hand value of a 64 figure pike block – the block is 8 figures wide x 1.5 = 12 hand to hand value.
Similarly for 100 figure pike block you would get a 15 hand to hand value and so on for increasingly large blocks.
This calculation therefore gives us the hand to hand value for each pike block. The only modification I have needed to make is that on some occasions not all of the front row of the large pike block will be in contact with an opposing unit. If a 100 figure pike block is in contact with a standard pike block of 24 figures (4 wide, 6 deep), I allow only figures directly in contact plus a one figure overlap on each side to fight. So only 6 figures would be able to fight out of the ten. This would allow the 100 figure pike block to use 9 (6 figures x 1.5) hand to hand dice out of its maximum of 15.
The stamina of a unit is proportional to the number of men in the unit. So if a 36 figure pike block has a stamina of 6, a 64 figure pike block would have a stamina of 6 x 64 / 36 which rounding down is 10.
Likewise a 196 figure pike block would have a stamina of 6 x 196 / 36 which rounding down is 32.
As you can see, these pike blocks can take a lot of casualties. The table below summarizes my current plans for handling large units.
This table summarizes all of the information
Break tests
The only other modification that I have found that I need is to the break test rules. I want to avoid the situation where a 196 figure pike block encounters a standard pike block and due to some poor dice rolls, looses a round of combat by one casualty. The 196 figure pike block would then be required to take a break test and if they roll double 1s, they would rout off the board with only one casualty. This situation seemed unrealistic to me.
I am hoping to solve this situation by using a special rule that any pike block of 8 x 8 or larger does not need to take a break test until its casualties reach half of its stamina level.
Hopefully some of these thoughts on big pike blocks encourage others to give them a try. I would be interested in any comments of feedback on how other people handle them in the Pike and Shotte rules.
A recent blog post discussed how I represent the Italian Wars units using the Pike and Shotte rules. The post also covered how many figures I use for each unit and which type of figures I use. The article then discussed how I represent units in Pike and Shotte using stats and special rules.
In this post, I will provide data sheets that I made for the recent Garigliano game using Pike and Shotte. These data sheets do not include all of the units that I will ever want to use for Italian Wars games, but just the units used in that game. Given the wide variety of units used, it should be easy to expand the list to include additional units. I will need to include mounted shot units in the future for example.
The data sheets
One data sheet was made for Cavalry, one for Pike and Sword and one for Shot. Each data sheet included units from every nation so that players could see how their units compared to those of other players. I also included a summary of the special rules at the bottom of each sheet. Cavalry, Pike and Shot were all put on separate data sheets as I wanted to make them easy to read from a distance.
I then printed out a copy of the data sheets for each player and laminated them so that they didn’t get damaged during the game and can be reused. Below are copies of my data sheets that you are free to use.
The Cavalry data sheetThe Pike and Sword data sheetThe Shot data sheet
The data sheets were made on my iMac using Keynote. They could be easily made in Powerpoint or some other program. I used the background to give that old renaissance type feel rather than just use a plain white paper background. The data sheets looked better on the table with the old look.
During the after game analysis we identified several areas where we could improve the battle of Garigliano both in terms of getting a more historical result and improving the enjoyment for the players. We plan to play the game again within the next few months at our local club’s games day (Tristate Gamers Society) near Philadelphia. We will adopt many of these changes for the replay and hopefully I will do another blog post on the game. For now, here are the ways we would change the game.
1. Initial deployment of troops.
a) The Spanish forces.
The Papal knights were deployed on the far right of the Spanish forces, near Sujo. The Spanish Jinetes were deployed on the left of the main Spanish forces closer to Castleforte.
Spanish Jinetes on the left and Papal knights on the right.
This meant that the heaviest of the cavalry was deployed a long way from the bulk of the fighting. Coupled with some poor command rolling, it meant that the Papal knights were out of the game until the very end of the battle when the outcome was almost decided.
It also meant that the Jinetes took the brunt of the early fighting and were quickly routed off the table.
It was decided that if the Spanish and Papal forces in the Castleforte/Sujo area were switched, it would allow the Papal knights to have more of an impact and it would also allow the lighter Jinetes to benefit from the more open terrain on the flank.
b) The French forces.
Due to the large number of Gendarmes and Archers, the French cavalry were deployed along the edge of the board from the road to Trajetto all the way to the French camp. Ideally I would have liked them all closer to where the road from Trajetto enters the table (on the far left of the photo below), but there simply was not enough space.
The mass of French cavalry deployed along the edge of the board.
The aim was to control how quickly the French cavalry could “wake up” and enter the action by using the Command rating system (more on this system later). With some incredible dice rolling, the French cavalry managed to all activate straight away and they were then able to quickly destroy the Spanish Jinetes and Spanish knights.
In hindsight it would be better to keep the French Gendarmes away from the initial action for longer. Rather than control the activation of the cavalry and leave things to chance, I would now allow the French cavalry to enter from the road to Trajetto. I would allow one unit of Gendarmes and one unit of Archers to enter from this road for each of the first four turns. This entry of cavalry would mean there is a more controlled deployment rather than all eight units of knights possibly being available in turn one if the activation rolling is good. It would also mean that they are not immediately in the face of the advancing Spanish, which would leave more room for the Spanish to maneuver and deploy.
The two standard Spanish Pike blocks were quickly overwhelmed in the centre by the two large Swiss Pike blocks (the third Swiss pike block deployed against the Papal pikes) and the two large Black Band pike blocks. In hindsight, this mismatch is not surprising.
The difficulty in this scenario is at the Battle of Garigliano, the French actually had more forces than the Spanish. Given this ratio of troops, I had not wanted to have a large Spanish force out numbering a French force just to get a historical result. Using the Pike and Shot points system (which I do not really use), I already had 1278 Spanish points versus 1312 French points.
The Spanish getting overwhelmed near Castleforte
However, I think to balance out the scenario, I would add two more Spanish pike blocks and supporting arqubusiers to the Spanish side. I am now desperately painting two more pike blocks.
b) Spanish forces near the bridge.
The Spanish forces never really attacked the bridge. They seemed to be worried by the artillery and French crossbows.
The Spanish never forced and attack on the bridge.
The Spanish had two units of eight figures of Landschnekt shot in skirmish order. The feeling was that if there were another two units of shot, it would probably have provided enough cover from the artillery for the two Landschnekt pike blocks to give it a go. I would probably also increase the number of Italian sword units from one to two.
Encouraging a Spanish attack near the bridge would have the added effect of drawing French forces from the main battle near Castleforte.
3. Number of Players
We had two players per side, plus myself moderating the game. It was felt that we could easily increase this number to three players per side. If we had used a third player devoted to the Spanish forces near the bridge, it was felt that this would have probably led to more action near the bridge.
Two people per side was great for the play test, but for a club games day match up, the more the merrier. The Battle of Garigliano can be a larger affair.
4. Activation
I had given the Spanish overall command stand a rating of 10. The Spanish cavalry and infantry command stands had either an 8 or a 9 rating depending on the unit.
For the French the overall command stand rating was an 8. All of the cavalry and infantry command stands started at a 7. They then increased to either an 8 or 9 as the game progressed. This was meant to simulate the French being caught in their beds and provide a delayed response to the Spanish attack.
However, my clever scenario design back-fired. All of the French units passed their command activation dice rolls and sprang into immediate action. At the same time, the crack Papal knights fell asleep on their horses and refused to budge.
The French cavalry quickly flood the battlefield.
I do make one modification to the Pike and Shot activation rules which helps a little bit. If a player fails their first activation roll, they can still move one unit one move. This prevents players just sitting there turn after turn if they fail activation rolls.
In hindsight I plan to control the French response by controlling the turn that the Gendarmes and Archers enter the table as already discussed. I still think that I will keep the variable activation (a concept taken from Olicanalad’s blogon the Italian wars), but taking out some of the effect of dice by controlling deployment of the French Gendarmes will help.
5. Victory conditions.
During the playtest of the Battle of Garigliano, the Spanish decided not to push an attack on the bridge seeing little chance of success. As I have already discussed, adding a few more troops near the bridge may change their perception. However, to encourage an attack it was felt that a victory point system may benefit the game. I have not fully thought this out, but something like:
25 points for the side holding the bridge
10 points for the side holding Castleforte
10 points for the side holding the French camp
5 points for the side holding Sujo
6. Artillery ranging
The game was very specifically set up with the French artillery covering the bridge being immobile and having a maximum range just short of the Spanish field defenses. One suggestion was that starting turn three or four, the French artillery range could increase 12 inches to allow units behind the Spanish defenses to come into range. This would remove the incentive for the Spanish to not attack the bridge and would simulate the effect of the French guns ranging in.
Many of the changes that have been suggested for the Battle of Garigliano have the effect of slowing down the French response and increasing the ability of the Spanish. I am unsure whether adding all of these changes will change the balance too much towards the Spanish. Only another battle will truly tell. I just have to paint a couple more pike blocks and then we can test them out when we replay the Battle of Garigliano. The aim is to maintain the fun that we had during the first game, but subtly adjust the balance.
We played out the battle of Garigliano with two people per side and myself moderating the game. We completed the battle in about three and a half hours using the Pike and Shot rules. The game set up and the unit characterization have been covered in previous blog posts. This post will cover the after action report. I will aim to do a post on how I would improve the game in a few weeks.
The battle of Garigliano 1503 started on the Spanish right near Sujo and Castleforte with the Spanish light cavalry (Jinetes) quickly advancing to engage the Albanian Stradiots.
Spanish Jinetes advance to engage the Stradiots.
The Spanish infantry were also quick off the mark and advanced up to Castleforte; while on their right the Papal infantry refused to move and the Papal knights were also reluctant to move.
The Papal forces were not as keen as the Spanish.
The Swiss were typically aggressive and decided to march on Castleforte with their three pike blocks. Two are shown on this side of Castleforte and one is on the other side.
Swiss advancing between Castleforte and the vineyard.
The Spanish Jinetes continued their battle with the Stradiots, and were supported on their flank by the Spanish knights. Unfortunately for the Spanish, the French Gendarmes were quick to activate and started to move up in support. They can be seen in the background.
The Jinetes engage the Stradiots.
Seeing the Swiss pike blocks encouraged the Papal pikes to start moving forward along with the still slow Papal knights.
The Papal pike slowly advance.
Unfortunately for the Spanish cavalry, the massed ranks of French Gendarmes and Archers proved too much to handle and the Spanish were quickly routed.
The might of the French Gendarmes proves too much for the Spanish cavalry
Near Castleforte the Spanish pikes had been putting up a brave fight against the Swiss, but when two Landschnekt Black Band pike blocks showed up on their flank, things start to look desperate.
Spanish infantry putting up a brave fight.
The last of the Spanish cavalry were then driven off by the Gendarmes.
The last of the Spanish cavalry leave the field.
Between Castleforte and Sujo, the Swiss and the Papal pikes entered combat, with the Papal Cavalry on the flank for support.
The Swiss and Papal pikes engage.
With the Swiss engaged to their front and their flank being charged by the Black Band, the Spanish pike finally decided to call it a day and routed off the field of battle.
The tide of battle turns against the Spanish pike.The Spanish infantry are defeated.
On the Spanish far left, things remained quiet near the bridge across the Garigliano. The Spanish decided not to advance in support of the main attack once the main attack stalled. In the background can be seen the French Household Gendarme unit. The French commander had forgotten to move the most elite unit on the table, and now they were too far away from the French commander to receive orders.
All quiet near the bridge over the Garigliano
The French Gendarmes cleaned up the last of the Spanish arquebusiers near Castleforte; a move that cannot be considered honorable.
The Gendarmes finish off the remaining Spanish arquebusiers.
On the far right things were not going much better for the Spanish. One of the Papal pike blocks become Shaken and Disordered and was pushed back. The other Papal block was Shaken.
The Papal pike blocks are in trouble.
With the Papal pike block nearest Castleforte being attacked by a Swiss block from the front and about to be charged by another Swiss block from the side, things were looking hopeless for the Spanish forces.
The only bright spot was that the Papal cavalry were now in position. However, with the Spanish cavalry and infantry dispatched, the French Gendarmes and Archers moved past the French camp to engage the Papal knights.
The French Gendarmes have now moved across to deal with the Papal knights.
At this point the battle of Garigliano was called as a victory for the French. Not a historical result, but a good time was had by all. It was also great to finally get the troops out on the table.
We then carried out a post mortem of the game while eating Italian hoggies and cheesecake. There were a few suggestions on how to change the scenario specific rules, troop deployments and victory conditions for the next time. I will discuss these in the next blog post. We hope to repeat the scenario at a club games-day later in the year.
I have been using the Pike and Shot rules for my Italian Wars project for several reasons. Firstly, most people at our club (The TriState Gamers Society) are familiar with the rule mechanisms as they are similar to other rule sets in the series – Black Powder and Hail Caesar. Secondly, they are a fairly quick set of rules that allow people to easily get into a game.
I also believe that they can fairly accurately represent the Italian Wars period if some of the special rules are applied to individual units. In this article I will discuss how I represent units and how I add special rules to units to make them more historical.
Pike units
The Spanish Colunela.
Sir Charles Oman discusses the organization of Spanish Colunelas in his book the History of the Art of War in the 16th Century on page 57. Using this information I have my Spanish Colunela consisting of 5 companies each of around 200-250 men. Using a figure ratio of 1:25 each company is represented by eight figures.
One of these companies are Sword and Buckler figures, two of the companies are pike and two of the companies are arquebusiers.
2 spanish Colunela with Spanish Knights Supporting their left.
I represent each colonela by having two small units of Spanish shot (each eight figures) in skirmish order – they can hedgehog with the pike block if needed. I also do not make hedgehogs immobile, but I will discuss this in a future post.
I then have a pike block of 24 figures with 8 sword and buckler at the front and 16 pike behind. In the photo there are only 4 sword figures in the front row, I plan to change this situation in the next few weeks and increase to 8 sword figures.
The pike block is classed as a standard pike block in the rules with these stats:
Hand to hand dice: 6
Morale save: 4+
Stamina: 6
I then give the pike block a Swordsman special rule where Pike fighting against Swordsmen have a -1 on their morale save. This represents the skill that Spanish Swordsmen had in cutting into pike blocks. Also I give Swordsmen +1 on the combat result v Pike as they reduced the enemy’s willingness to stand and fight. This swordsman rule is different than the swordsman rule in the rules.
The pike block also has a hedgehog rule.
The two arquebusier shot units each have the following stats:
Shooting dice: 1
Hand to hand dice: 1
Morale save; 5+
Stamina: 2
As most opposing pike blocks only have one small unit of shot in support, having two units for the Spanish really represents their increased use of shot well. This difference is not so obvious when only one or two colonela are used, bu when six or more are together it can really make a difference.
2. Swiss Pike.
My Swiss Pike blocks in my initial game were represented as a large Pike block of 36 figures. I may go higher in the future depending upon the battle. Most of these figures are pike, but there are also 6-8 halberdier figures mainly in the front ranks with a few in the rear.
A Swiss Pike Block in the rear going up against a couple of Papal Pike Blocks.
To represent the Swiss, they have some impressive stats along with a number of Special rules:
Hand to hand dice: 9
Morale save: 4+
Stamina 6
The Special rules are:
Bad War, Elite 4+, Large Unit, Double Handed infantry arms (due to the halberds), Ferocious and Hedgehog. All these special rules are as defined in the book. These special rules really make the Swiss an formidable enemy. A Ferocious charge with the double handed weapons can be devastating.
3. Landschnekt Pike.
My Landschnekt Pike Blocks were represented as a large pike block with 36 figures. Most of the figures are pike but there are a number of double handed sword figures in the first few ranks and in the rear ranks
Landschnekt pike block hitting the pinned Spanish in the flank
To represent the Landschnekt pike blocks I use some good stats along with a number of special rules:
Hand to hand dice: 9
Morale save: 4+
Stamina: 6
The special rules are:
Bad war, Hedgehog, Double handed infantry arms (due to the double handed swords) and Large Unit.
These rules make the Landschnekts formidable, but slightly weaker than the Swiss.
4. Other Pike.
My other pike blocks are represented by 24 pike figures for the standard size blocks and 36 figures for large sized pike blocks. My French are standard size and my Papal States are large sized.
Large Papal States Block
The stats are:
Hand to hand dice: 6 for standard sized block, 8 for large block
Morale save: 4+ for standard and large block
Stamina: 4 for standard sized block and 6 for large block
For special rules I only have Hedgehog and Large Unit (for the large block only).
Cavalry Units
French Gendarmes.
I represent cavalry units using eight figures. The French Gendarmes were the elite of the elite and I will start with their stats and special rules:
Hand to hand dice: 10
Morale save: 3+
Stamina: 4
For Special rules I give them Elite 4+ and Lance.
I also give Heavy Cavalry Charge +1 to every unit of Gendarmes and Heavy Cavalry +D3 to one unit of Household Gendarmes. The standard Pike and Shot rules give the +D3 to all units of Gendarmes, but in extensive play testing we have found that this makes the Gendarmes way too overpowered. Limiting the +D3 to one unit and having the rest at +1 seems to work much better.
2. Papal Knights.
I give the Papal knights stats almost as good as the French, but one less hand to hand dice:
Hand to hand dice: 9
Morale save 3+
Stamina: 4
For special rules I use Elite 4+, Heavy Cavalry charge +1, Lance
4 units of Papal Knights protect the flank of the Papal pike
3. Spanish Knights.
The Spanish knights are not quite of the same class as the French Gendarmes, so there stats are a little lower still.
Hand to hand dice: 9
Morale save: 4+
Stamina: 4
I use special rules of Elite 5+, Heavy Cavalry charge +1 and Lance.
Two units of Spanish knights with their command base on their left.
4. Archers of various nations.
The Gendarmes and knights of most nations were supported by troops known as Archers. These did not carry a bow, but were rather slightly less well equipped versions of the Gendarmes. Their stats are slightly lower, but still impressive:
Hand to hand dice: 8
Morale save: 4+
Stamina: 4
For special rules I use Elite 6+, Heavy Cavalry charge +1. Lance.
5. Jinetes and Stradiots.
These units can be excellent for harassing Gendarmes, especially in groups as they can disorder the Gendarmes with their spears, preventing the Gendarmes from charging. When the Gendarmes do manage to charge, they can use fire and evade to cause casualties over time.
2 units of Spanish Jinetes attacking 2 units of Stradiots
I represent Jinetes and Stradiots by eight figures mounted on Skirmish bases produced by Litko.
The Stats for both types of light cavalry are:
Hand to hand dice: 6
Morale save: 5+
Stamina: 3
For special rules both have the important Fire and Evade rule which models the role of these troops very well. They also both have the Marauders rule.
To differentiate the units I also give the Stradiots the Brittle rule. I do not give this to the Spanish Jinetes as they are a much more reliable troop.
The above details some of the main stats and special rules that I use for Cavalry and Pike blocks. In a future post I will detail shot units and some of the changes we make to the Pike and Shot rules themselves (I only have a couple of minor changes).
After spending a year painting 28mm figures and constructing terrain and buildings, it was time to roll out the Italian Wars project at our local club. I had 773 figures with 87 flags, more than enough for a play test. I decided to base the game on the Battle of Garigliano in 1503, as the battle was early in the Italian wars and was a decisive encounter.
In this post I will detail the initial set up and order of battle. It a later posts I will detail some of the unit characteristics and rule modifications that I used under the Pike and Shot rules and give an after action report, as well as learnings from the play test. We will run the game again at a local club event near Philadelphia in the next few months.
Short historical background.
In July 1503, the French crossed the Alps into Italy with 20,000 men to do battle with the smaller Spanish Army with around 10,000 men and then march on to Naples. The mighty French Gendarmes were supported by the fearsome Swiss Pike. At the start of November, the two armies found themselves facing each other across the rain swollen River Garigliano, about 50 miles north of Naples.
The French managed to secure a bridge-head across the river under the cover of gunboats brought up the river from the coast. The French had launched several unsuccessful attacks to break out from the bridge-head and the Spanish had tried unsuccessfully to destroy the bridge.
In mid November the rain and snow had got worse and there was deadlock for the next six weeks. Both sides fortified their positions and the ground between them was a muddy mess. A truce was negotiated for the 25th and 26th December. On the morning of the 29th December, the Spanish completed a pontoon bridge that they had been secretly assembling upstream at the town of Sujo. They suddenly appeared on the left flank of the French who were caught totally by surprise. It is at this point our game started.
The Spanish deployments.
The Spanish Left in defensive positions near the river Garigliano.
On the Spanish Left we can see the Spanish field defenses in the foreground with the French bridge head opposite. The defenses were constructed with a water filled ditch in front of them to represent the flooded ground. Behind the defenses are:
Two large Landschnekt pike blocks each of 36 figures (Foundry figures)
Two Landschnekt small mixed shot units of each of 8 figures (SteelFist figures)
One Italian sword unit of 16 figures (The Assault Group figures)
One Jinete unit of 8 figures (The Assault Group figures)
Spanish initial deployments on the right near Sujo. Castleforte is in the middle of the table with the River Garigliano in the background.
On the Spanish right we see the town of Sujo, represented by the bell tower and the building in the foreground. Further back we see the town of CastleForte, represented by the castle type building. In the far background you can see the River Garigliano with the Spanish field defenses on the other side of the river.
In the foreground you can see:
Four units of Gendarmes each of 4 figures (SteelFist figures)
These units are painted as Papal States cavalry, which weren’t actually present at Garigliano. I was trying to give a representation of Garigliano with the units that I have, without worrying too much about matching units exactly. The game was more about getting all of my figures onto the table for an initial run out.
Behind the heavy cavalry are:
Two units of large Italian pike each of 36 figures (The Assault Group figures)
Two units of Italian small mixed shot each of 8 figures (The Assault Group figures)
Behind the Italian pike are:
Two units of Spanish Pike each of 24 figures (The Assault Group figures)
Four units of Spanish small arquebusiers each of 8 figures (The Assault Group figures)
Behind the Spanish infantry are:
Two units of Spanish Knights each of 8 figures (one unit of Eureka and one TAG figures)
Two units of Spanish Jinetes each of 8 figures (The Assault Group figures)
Spanish near Sujo after turn 1
This photo shows the Spanish right after the first turn. In the foreground are the unit casualty markers and other game counters (Shaken, Disordered, Winning etc.).
The French deployments
French bridge-head
Behind the French field defenses at the bridge-head were some units of the French infantry group. The rest of this group were sleeping in the French camp the the game started.
Two units of French pike each of 24 figures (The Assault Group figures) – one of these units is at the bridge-head and the other is in camp.
Three units of French crossbow each of 16 figures (The Assault Group figures) — two of these units are at the bridge-head and the other is in camp.
Close up of the Bridge-headView of the units on the French side of the Garigliano
On the French side of the Garigliano, in the rear of the photo, are the bulk of the French Gendarmerie.
One unit of French artillery represented by 3 guns (Foundry figures)
One unit of French household Gendarmes of 8 figures (SteelFist figures)
Three units of French Gendarmes each of 8 figures (SteelFist figures)
Four units of French mounted Archers each of 8 figures (SteelFist figures)
French camp with backdropView of French camp
On these pictures I put up the back drop to take some photos. Close to the French camp are:
Two units of Albanian Stradiots each of 8 figures (The Assualt Group figures)
The French left
The French left had two battalia, the first was:
Three Swiss Pike blocks each with 36 figures (Foundry figures).
These units were near Castleforte in the centre.
The second was:
Two Black Band Landschnekt Pike blocks each with 36 figures (SteelFist figures)
Two Black Band small mixed shot units each with 8 figures (SteelFist figures)
The black band was in the French camp.
There was also a unit of scouts near Sujo represented by a unit of 16 Italian Swordsmen.
View of the table
This last photo shows a view of the entire table for perspective. In the foreground is the field defenses of both sides and the river Garigliano. In the middle left is the French camp. In the table centre is Castleforte and in the distance is the town of Sujo. The entire table was 5′ x 14′ and was covered by two 5′ x 7′ game mats produced by Killing Fields Terrain. I cut the roads into the terrain mats.
Thanks go to Lou for opening his basement for the play test, as well as to Pat, Bob and Dave for play testing the scenario. With the initial play test in the bag, we plan to run the game again at our local club game day. We have a number of modifications to make to the scenario as a result of the play test. I will discuss the after action report and the modifications in a future blog post. I hope to get to this blog post in the next few weeks.
This blog post is in response to a question on The Miniatures Page (TMP) discussion boards about how many 28mm figures do you need for a pike block. The first picture shows some of my large pike blocks with 36 Papal States figures in each. In these large pike blocks I like the look of three flags per block.
The second picture shows two of my standard sized pike blocks with 24 figures in each. In these pike blocks I like the look of two flags per pike block.
Two large Papal States Pike blocks each of 36 figures (6 wide, 6 deep)Two standard French Pike Blocks each of 24 figures (4 wide, 6 deep)