Pavia 2025 – progress and work to do

I was feeling a bit out of control on my Pavia 2025 project following Historicon. I needed to identify what units that I had and what units that I still need to paint. Over the past few weeks I have formalized the order of battle that I am aiming for. With over 400 figures still to paint (mostly Landsknechts and heavy cavalry), there is a lot to do before Historicon, but at least I now have a plan.


In addition to the figures there are five main terrain items to complete:

  • The terrain mats – these are being made for me so I do not need to worry. They should arrive before the end of the year.
  • The park walls and gates – I am working on these at the moment and my next post will probably concentrate on them.
  • Castello Mirabello – I plan to scratch build this important feature and have ordered most of the parts I will need. Construction will start in November.
  • The trees – there are a lot of trees to do.
  • Movement trays for the figures. I will complete these in December.

Figures for Pavia 2025

Here is my order of battle. I have highlighted in green those figures that I have painted already.

This OOB has been updated to reflect the command bases that I will represent for each unit.
No artillery has been added to this table as I still need to research artillery.

From this chart it easy easy to see that the bulk of the work is Heavy Cavalry and Landsknechts. With over 400 figures still to paint, I took the unusual step for me of outsourcing the command stands. The main reason was time, but I also came across an artist who can really do superb command stands and does a lot of research on Italian Wars commanders. I will post pictures when they arrive.
Finally here are a couple of pictures of some Italian and Landsknecht shot that I recently completed for this project. There will be a lot more posts on the Pavia 2025 project in the next few months.

4 thoughts on “Pavia 2025 – progress and work to do”

  1. I’ve been waiting for you to update your progress on Pavia…..
    Partly inspired by your project and the 500th anniversary, my own Italian Wars project has diverted to refighting Pavia.
    Mine is slightly different in that I’m using 30mm Zinnfiguren flats……

    1. It is nice to get back to the Pavia project after my other games. It will be the only project that I am working on until next July, so there should be a lot more posts. I took a look at your Italian Wars project using the flats. It is very impressive and I have not seen the Italian Wars done in those figures before.

      1. It was all something of an accident……
        Roald Knutsen (author & illustrator) son was selling off his late father’s flats on eBay. I resisted the SYW figures but regretted it; after a hard week at work I gave in to temptation after seeing some Gensdarmes….
        Having bought these and various landsknechts etc, I wondered both how I’d paint them and what I’d do with them!
        The first was solved with Contrast paints and the second with the idea of doing Italian Wars armies. It then took on a bit of a life of its own!
        I’ve since discovered various manufacturers and the ranges they do.

  2. I also am very happy to see work and posting on the Pavia project. I had hopes – but got sidetracked into serious work to complete my 6mm Adler Napoleonics and a Sassanid Persian army when I realised I would not get what I wanted painted in time for mid 2025.

    So I will get my satisfaction by watching the progress on another of your wonderful projects and keep it as inspiration when I return to the Italian Wars.


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