My last post, about my Pavia project, discussed terrain mats. I mentioned that my terrain mat for my Historicon 2024 game was due to arrive in the next week or two. Well, the mat arrived today and I couldn’t resist posting a couple of pictures of the mat for my 20mm Senkaku Project.
The Senkaku islands are not far from Taiwan and are contested by Taiwan, China and Japan. The game will be a modern Japanese amphibious assault against Chinese forces that have captured the islands. For the terrain mat I needed some coastal terrain that would allow me to put hills and dense vegetation on it. The mat was made by Warsigil.
The two photos below show me putting down some of the vegetation, an LCAC and a couple of AAVP-7. I still have a lot to add, but I wanted to get a feel for the size and layout. My next job is to make some hills and rock faces.

I was very happy with the mat when it arrived. I can now finish my figure bases so that they match the color of the mat. That is all for now on my 20mm Senkaku Project.
Great looking mat and vegetation. What was a big looking LCAC seems miniature in comparison to the table.
Thanks. Yes the LCAC is about 14″ long and I have two of them for the scenario, but you are right about the table making them look small. And the table is only 6′ x 4′. They will be dwarfed even more when I finish the hills, cliffs and rock faces, but that is February’s job.
is this the game you’ll be running at Historicon?
This is the one I will be running this year.