Pavia Commanders

I just recently received some pictures from Sijie Hao showing the next set of Pavia Commanders that he has painted for me. They are currently being shipped. This post is just a short one to show the latest pictures.

The second set includes:

  • Georg von Frundsburg
  • Marx Sittich von Ems
  • Ferrante Kastriota, Marquis Civita Sant’Angelo
  • Robert de la Marck, Seigneur de Fleuranges
  • Guillaume Gouffier, seigneur Bonnivet, Admiral of France.
The five latest command stands

The next image shows the command bases of Fleuranges on the left and Bonnivet on the right. I just love the painting of both the figures and the flags on these bases.

Fleuranges (left) and Bonnivet (right)

The next bases are the commanders of Imperial Landsknechts. The Landsknechts took the field in two pike blocks of around 3500 men in each. One of these pike blocks was commanded by Marx Stitch von Ems and the other one was commanded by Georg von Frundsburg. There were also many Landsknecht arquebusiers that operated independently of the pike blocks. The picture below shows the flag bearer of Marx Stitch on the left and then von Frundsburg and his flag bearer in the centre. The figure on the right is Sant’Angelo.
Von Frundsburg is painted as he appears in many images with the red and white sash across his chest.

The flag bearer of Marx Stitch on the left with von Frundsburg in the centre.

The image below shows a close up of Marx Sittich with his flag bearer behind. The flag pole draped over his shoulder is a great touch.

Marx Sittich

Below are a couple of additional close ups of Fleuranges and Bonnivet

A close up of Fleuranges
A close up of Bonnivet

These are the latest Pavia Commanders. I still have additional commanders that Sijie is painting. While Sijie has been progressing these figures, I have been working on the buildings for Pavia and an additional 144 figure Landsknecht pike block. I hope to post pictures of both very soon.

Command Bases for Pavia

The amount of work needed to get the Pavia project finished in time for Historicon in July 2025 is huge. I still have a vast number of figures to paint, buildings to build and trees to make. In my next post I will do a review of the buildings, which ones I have finished and which ones I am still working on. I always wanted to spend some time creating command bases for Pavia featuring the actual commanders at the battle. However, I was coming to the realization that the time for researching each commander and creating the base would not be possible in the short time that I have.

That is when I came across Sijie Hao on the Italian Wars Wargaming Facebook page. He is both a superb artist and someone who meticulously researches the Italian Wars. I was immediately drawn to the quality of his work. Luckily he agreed to do some commission work for me on Command Bases for Pavia. I have never had commission work done for me before as I prefer to paint my own figures. However, his work will truly put my Pavia project over the top.

I initially gave him six command bases to do just to see if everything went smoothly. It did and I have now agreed to purchase an additional ten command bases from him. The first order consisted of:

  • Francis I King of France plus three of his Royal Retinue.
  • Palice and his standard bearer.
  • La Tremoille and his standard bearer.
  • The Marquis del Vasto and his standard bearer.
  • Charles de Lannoy and his standard bearer.
  • Charles, Duke of Bourbon and his standard bearer.

Photos of Command bases for Pavia

Francis I, king of France and his Royal Retinue.
Left to right the Imperial Commanders, Marquis del Vasto, Charles de Lannoy, and the Duke of Bourbon.
Left to right the French Commanders, De La Palace, The King and De La Tremoille.
Another view of the Imperial Commanders
A final view of the Imperial Commanders
The King of France

Now that I have received these figures, my second order includes:


  • Charles Tiercelin, Lord of Roche du Maine
  • Francois of Lorraine and the Duke of Suffolk – Richard de la Poole
  • Anne de Montmorency
  • Florange (Robert de la Marck, Seigneur of Fleuranges
  • Bonnivet
  • Duke D’Alencon


  • Georg von Frundsburg
  • Marx Stitch von Ems
  • Ferrante Castriota Marquis de Sant’Angelo
  • Marquis de Pescara

After these ten bases arrive I will only have three more command bases for Pavia that I need. These will be Antonio de Leyva, Captain Hernando de Alarcón and Gallot de Genouille. I may make some of these myself or depending on time I may make another commission order.