The Historical Miniature Gaming Society (HMGS) has either two or three conventions a year. The big one, Historicon, is in July. There is then Fall In! in the Autumn and Cold Wars in the Spring.
Recently the attendance at Cold Wars has been low and it is looking increasingly likely that there will not be a Cold Wars show next year.
Where possible, I like to run a game at each show. I also don’t want to be known as the person that brings the same game to every show. However, it is difficult to have a new game to display at every convention when there are multiple conventions a year. It therefore takes some advanced planning to keep things fresh. In this post I will share my convention game plans up to Historicon 2025.
Historicon 2023
In a couple of weeks I plan to attend Historicon 2023. With the number of big projects that I am working on, I have not had time to put on a totally new game for this convention.
Several years ago I ran the 1651 Battle of Berestechko. Since that time I have painted a lot more cossacks and increased the number of war wagons. I therefore plan to put on a new and improved game of this battle. I have never won an award for my Cossack Uprising project, so hopefully this will be the year for me to get some recognition for it.

I also plan to put on a modern naval game using Harpoon V rules between the US and China. This is a project I have done for me because I enjoy understanding the technology.

Fall In! 2023
The theme of Fall In is “America, Rise to World Power, 1898 to Present”. Again, as time is short, I plan to build on a project that I already have. I plan to utilize my modern British Afghanistan game that I ran at Cold Wars earlier this year. However, I will remove the British and their Forward Operating Base and replace them with US Marines, a convoy and about 15 new buildings. The game is in 28mm and will use Force on Force rules. Below are two picture of my game at Cold Wars and then a picture of some buildings that I started to paint this weekend.
At Historicon I need to purchase about 30 US marine figures and about four HEMTT vehicles for the convey.

Historicon 2024
I am assuming that Cold Wars 2024 will not take place, so Historicon 2024 will be the next convention.
For this show I plan to do a two part game of the modern day Battle for the Senkaku Islands. This game will be a battle between the Chinese and Japanese. Part 1 will be a 1/2400 naval game using Harpoon V rules and Part 2 will be a 20mm (1/72) amphibious assault on the islands.
Many of the vehicles are in an early stage of construction, but here are some work in progress photos:

Fall In! 2024
At the moment I do not have a plan for Fall In! 2024. With my plans for Historicon 2025 being huge, I probably won’t do anything new. So I will need to repeat a game or sit this show out.
Historicon 2025
2025 is the 500th Anniversary of the Battle of Pavia from the Italian Wars. I plan to do the largest game that I have ever put on the table. Separate blog post will cover this topic, but for now here is a picture of one of my Italian Wars games.