When I first got back in to the hobby in 2017, I purchased figures from Calpe Miniatures to form a Napoleonic Division. Their Saxon figures were excellent and I chose to build the 24th Division (1st Saxon) of Reyneir’s VII Corps. Unfortunately the white uniforms with yellow trim were a little beyond my painting skills for a first project. So I put the figures aside for a while so I could paint other periods.
This December I decided to revisit the project. I set a target of painting the entire division plus supports by the end of the year. While no-where near perfect, my painting skills have improved enough that I am able to achieve reasonable units. Nevertheless, the white uniforms and yellow trim have still tested me at times.

The first units that I decided to paint were the Saxon Prinz Maximillion and von Rechten Battalions. Both have yellow trim. The former has yellow metal buttons and the later has silver metal buttons.
Basing the units
I plan to use General de Brigade and/or General de Armee rules. Each Battalion has four companies each represented by an eight figure base. Each base has an officer on the front right and an NCO at the back left. One base has a flag figure (the flags will arrive in the New Year). I plan to have a command base for each battalion with a Chef de Battalion and a drummer. Each Battalion will also have two bases each of two skirmishers. The company bases are 80mm x 40mm. The skirmish bases are 40mm x 60mm and the command bases will be 40mm x 40mm.

The project scope
The first Brigade of the 24th Division will have two light, a guard, and the two Musketeer Battalions shown. It will also have 6 Jagers.
The second Brigade of the 24th Division will have 4 Musketeer Battalions and a Grenadier Battalion.
The Division will also have two foot artillery Batteries.
Supporting the Division I plan to have Saxon Hussars and Uhlans.

The next units that I plan to paint are the two Battalions of the Prinz Freidrich August regiment. These will have white uniforms with a green trim. I hope to have these two Battalions complete by mid February. However, I have another project to complete for Cold Wars 2023 in March, so timing may need to be flexible.