Historicon is rapidly approaching with only 44 days left until the start of the convention. While I am still on track with preparations for my games, there is still a lot left to do. This weekend I completed another 36 figure Spanish pike block and 16 Spanish Arquebusiers. Now it is time to finish the Villa Bicocca and the gardens of the villa.
The villa itself was a combination of 6 kits from Charlie Foxtrot models. The kits are mdf, so I needed to add texture the walls assembly. I also had to scratch build the roof system to make them all fit together.

The first photo shows the front of the villa. I still have to put a gravel path in front of the villa along with a small fountain. I should complete this work by the end of the week. The villa is assembled on a 1″ piece of foam board so that it can seamlessly integrate with the field defenses.

At the back I bought the railings and steps from a 3d printing company on Etsy. They were exactly 1″ tall so they worked very well with the foam board and allowed a smooth step down to the garden,

The garden has a number of statues. The main two statues were made from pdf plinths, I then added roman soldiers from Warlord Games. I then painted the statues to represent marble.

Some of the statues from the edge are Helen of Troy statues from the Foundry Greek mythology range. I scratch built the plinths for these from balsa. The plant pots were another find from Etsy, to which I added some flowers that I bought from Woodland Scenics.

The fountains were mdf kits. The stone paths were rubber stone tile mats that I bought at a previous Historicon. I cut these into the desired shape and then put grass mats down in between. I then scratch built some hedges.

To finish I put some trees around the edge of the garden.

Overall the Villa Bicocca and garden take up about 2′ x 4′ on the table. Overall I like how they have turned out. I think that they give a good representation of an Italian villa and Italian garden. They should provide a point of interest for the Battle of Bicocca terrain.