The final units for my Khmelnytsky Upring project were the 28mm Polish infantry units. The plan was to have a unit of Polish “German style infantry” and a unit of German mercenaries. Both of these units were to have two bases of 12 shot figures and one base of 12 pike figures. There is some question over whether the units in Polish service actually contained pike, as the large amount of Polish cavalry protected the infantry. However a 1577 print of the siege of Danzig persuaded me to include pike.

Fo the Polish unit, I tried to keep a more uniform color throughout, using a red base color for the troops.

For the German mercenaries I decided to give a more rag-tag appearance to the unit and had no common color. All of the figures are from The Assault Group and from their German Thirty Years War range. These figures are perfect for my 28mm Polish Infantry units and are from exactly the right time period.

I am currently awaiting a couple of flags from Battle Flags for these mercenaries. In the Osprey book Polish Armies 1569-1696 (2) there is a light blue and white flag with a jagged Red Cross on page 8. This flag is very similar to a Pappenheim flag from the Thirty Years War. So I have decided to make this unit a mercenary unit from the Pappenheim region.

These photos were the first ones taken in a Christmas present light box from The Flashery. The light box is great for hobby photos and I will hopefully get better at using it.
The khmelnytsky Cossack Uprising project is now nearing completion. All that I have left is an assortment of command bases. I should be able to complete these in the next few weeks. I will then be ready to put all of the Poles, Cossacks and Tatars on the table once life resumes after Covid. I started the project in April, so I am very happy to have completed it within nine months. The project is around 600 figures, with the vast majority being cavalry.